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#50 - 214 Joseph Okemasis Drive
Sutherland Industrial, SK, S7N 1B1


Private Rental Booking

Things to know before you book a Private Rental

  • Must be booked at least 5 days in advance, with “add-ons” confirmed 3 days prior to booking. For short notice bookings, please call Flynn’s at 306-382-7529 or email

  • Private rentals include admission for a set amount of guests, exclusive use of Flynn's main floor (no access to party rooms upstairs). Our concession remains open for your guests’ convenience.

  • Rentals are allowed to bring in ONE outside food item for your guests. (This is usually cake or cupcakes, etc. We ask that the item be nut free).

  • We have several add-on options for parties that can also be booked online include pizza, Beanie Boo coupons or treat bags, fruit and veggie trays, popcorn and drinks (unlimited iced tea/lemonade or drip coffee) or by emailing

Private Rental Rules

  • All Flynn’s rules and party guidelines remain in place during your rental

    Everyone must wear socks, including adults

  • Have all your party guests sign a waiver online, ideally linking their waiver to your party using the jump/party ID on their waiver, before attending to help speed up the admission process

  • No outside food or drinks, other than cake/cupcakes for the party

  • All party “add-ons” such as pizza, fruit and veggie tray and treat bags need to be ordered at least 3 days before your party

  • No piñatas, silly string, glitter or “messy” items/crafts please

  • All “Flynn’s Forest Rules” and “Party Rules” must be followed by private rental guests. The adults that book the rental are responsible for the behavior of all guests and ensuring that all rules are followed at all times.

How To Book and Deposit Information

  • Private rentals are generally available weekday and weekend evenings. Alternative times may be booked at the discretion of the owner/manager, additional fees may apply.

  • For private rental availability and pricing - email


  • 75% of deposit is refundable if rental is cancelled within 14 days of party.

  • A further 25% will be retained if party is cancelled between 7 and 14 days before party.

  • Deposit is non-refundable if party is cancelled less than 7 days away from party, unless due to illness/COVID.